Death and injuries on the water are covered by marine insurance. The majority of vessels have this type of insurance, which is similar to liability insurance on a vehicle for personal injury. The purpose of marine insurance is to have funds available to recover from an accident, but most insurance companies will pay out as little as possible.

Being injured at sea is a tough situation, but an insurance company that cares more about making profit than claimants makes it worse. It’s advised you have an experienced maritime attorney on your side to ensure you receive what you’re entitled to from a marine insurance claim.

Marine Insurance Claim Attorney in Oregon, Washington, California and Alaska

As someone injured on the water, it’s important to keep in mind the investigators and claim adjusters are working to protect the interest of the vessel owner and employer, not you. BOATLAW, LLP is here to protect your best interest. We will fight with the marine insurance company to ensure you receive the compensation you are entitled to.

Call 1-800-262-8529 to schedule a confidential consultation. BOATLAW, LLP represents injured maritime workers in Oregon, Washington, California and Alaska.

Information Center

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What is Bad Faith Insurance Practice?

By law, insurance companies in every state are required to act in good faith. Simply put, the insurance company must not try and get out of their obligation to investigate a claim or pay a settlement. Doing so is considered bad faith and it’s grounds to bringing an insurance company to court.

A bad faith insurance practice can range from denying coverage to offering a substantially reduced settlement. Common examples of bad faith practices include the following:

  • Refusing to pay a claim without investigating
  • Failing to conduct a reasonable investigation
  • Unnecessary denial of coverage
  • Failing to communicate relevant information to a claimant
  • Failing to respond to time-sensitive demands
  • Offering less to settle than the actual value
  • Failing to provide a reasonable explanation for a denied claim

Bad faith insurance practice comes in many forms, especially in the maritime industry. You have the right to compensation as an injured maritime worker. If you believe a marine insurance company is acting in bad faith, contact BOATLAW, LLP.

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Can I Sue for a Denied Marine Insurance Claim?

You depend on insurance companies to do the right thing when there are maritime injuries and other losses. We expect an insurance company to pay a fair amount in a timely manner when a claim is filed, but all too often, claims are denied. When this happens, you may find yourself in a difficult position and unsure of what to do next.

The next step is to speak with a maritime attorney about filing a lawsuit over a denied claim. Litigation can take months and even years. The sooner the process begins, the better, especially if you’re in dire need of compensation. Keep in mind you will have to file within the statue of limitation. This length of time varies by state and insurance policy but can range from one to five years.

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Underpaid Claims

Marine insurance companies know claimants will put up a fight when a claim is denied. But if they underpay a claim, the insurance company will assume you’ll take what you can get and not make a fuss. If you remember, underpaying an insurance claim is considered acting in bad faith, and it’s illegal.

Never assume a claim amount is final or accurate. Way to often and injured maritime worker will take the first offer from an insurance company in fear of not recovering anything at all. These individuals are often recovering from an injury or other loss and are afraid to fight because they might not recover anything at all.

You are allowing the insurance company to violate their contract if you accept an underpaid claim. Not only this, but you’re accepting less than what you’re entitled to, which can leave you without the funds to cover the cost of damages. It’s not too late if your claim is closed. The claim can be reopened if it’s discovered you were underpaid.

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Additional Resources for Marine Insurance Claims

Apatow v. Am. Bankers Ins. Co.– Follow the link provided to read through a Federal Court case filed in California over a claim being dismissed because it wasn’t filed in the proper court within the statute of limitation. The insured argued the limitation period had not passed since the insurance company issued a check to cover some of the cost. Read the court case to find out what the court decided.

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Marine Insurance Claim Lawyer in Oregon, Washington, California and Alaska

If your fight with a marine insurance company is going no where, contact BOATLAW, LLP. We have over 40 years of experience fighting insurance companies, and we will stop at nothing to make sure you recover maximum compensation. Call 1-800-262-8529 to schedule a time to speak with us.

BOATLAW, LLP advocates on behalf of maritime workers in Oregon, Washington, California and Alaska.

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