The very nature of a vessel at sea— from the slick surfaces to the constant motion on the waves—makes for a high risk of slip/trip and falls.
It may sound like a minor thing, but a slip/trip and fall in a maritime environment can cause serious injuries, and most of the time, such an accident could have been avoided with proper safety measures. If these measures are not in place, your fall could be the fault of your maritime employer’s negligence or vessel unseaworthiness.
An experienced maritime accident attorney can help you recover the damages you deserve from your slip/trip and fall accident in a maritime environment, whether at sea or in port.
Maritime Attorneys for Slip/Trip and Fall Accidents
The experienced maritime attorneys at BoatLaw, LLP based in Seattle and Bellingham, WA; Portland, OR; and San Francisco, CA have pursued favorable damages coast-to-coast in maritime injury cases for decades. If you have suffered an injury from a slip/trip and fall accident due to your maritime employer’s negligence, BoatLaw, LLP will fight for the compensation you deserve, whether that be through settlement or trial.
Our attorneys’ passion for maritime pursuits supplements the expertise they will apply to your maritime injury case. For your free consultation on what maritime injury compensation you may qualify for, call 1-800-262-8529 today.
Maritime Slip/Trip and Fall Accident Information Center
- Causes of Maritime Slip and Fall Accidents
- Maritime Injuries Sustained from Trip and Fall
- Recoverable Damages from Maritime Slip and Fall Accidents
- Additional Resources
Causes of Maritime Slip/Trip and Fall Accidents
Vessels, shipyards, and cargo terminals are full of hazards that can easily cause a slip/trip and fall. Add in the negligence and disregard for safety commonly present on poorly maintained vessels and docks, and it’s no surprise that a large number of maritime injuries reported are from slip/trip and fall accidents. In 2005 alone, slip/trip and falls attributed to 43% of injuries on merchant ships. Some of the most common causes of a slip/trip and fall accident include:
- Wet or otherwise slick surfaces
- Unsteady surfaces
- Lack of nonskid surfaces
- Loose lines
- Loose cargo
- Improperly secured equipment
- Unmarked or poorly marked hazards
- Improperly stored equipment, such as fishing nets
- Poor vessel planning
- High points without safety guards
- Unsecured ladders
- Lack of nonskid grating
- Improper angle of inclination for stairways and ladders
- Insufficient or nonexistent traffic control
- Open holes on deck
- Lack of safety procedures and training
Many of these causes are preventable through simple safety measures or better maintenance of equipment. However, a maritime company less concerned about its people and more concerned about its finances may fail to implement these easy fixes. If you have suffered an injury due to a maritime slip/trip and fall accident, an experienced maritime injury attorney can help look out for your best interests by pursuing fair compensation. Contact BoatLaw, LLP today for a free, no obligations consultation at 1-800-262-8529. Our attorneys serve injured maritime employees working up and down the West Coast, including Washington, Oregon, Alaska, and California.
Maritime Injuries Sustained from Slip/Trip and Fall Accidents
Though traditionally a slip/trip and fall is a minor accident someone can get up from and laugh off, in a maritime environment it can be a much more serious affair. Maritime employees are surrounded by many hazardous pieces of equipment, most of which are made from solid materials like steel. The presence of this equipment can turn what would have been a minor contusion into something more serious, like a broken arm or fractured tailbone. Most maritime slip/trip and fall injuries occur on decks, gangways, and stairs, and include:
- Sprains or strains of the ankles or wrists
- Knee injuries, including sprained and torn ligaments
- Fractured or broken bones
- Eye injuries
- Head injuries
- Neck Injuries
- Back injuries
- Shoulder injuries
- Brain injuries, such as TBI
- Spinal cord Injuries
- Concussions and post-concussion syndrome
Recoverable Damages from Maritime Slip/Trip and Fall Accidents
Every maritime company and vessel owner has a duty to provide a safe environment to their employees, whether it’s aboard a vessel or on a dock. Failing to do so through lack of proper signage, procedures, training, or equipment is considered negligence under the law. Hiring a crewmember who the company should know will not be able to perform their task safely is another form of negligence. If you have suffered a slip/trip and fall injury due to your maritime employer’s negligence, you may be entitled to the following damages under the Jones Act or other maritime law:
- Immediate medical care
- Ongoing medical care
- Rehabilitation
- Increased maintenance and cure
- Lost wages, past and future
- Long-term or permanent disability
- Reduced capacity to work in trade
- Mental anguish
- Pain and suffering
- Punitive damages for gross negligence
You don’t have to settle for the trivial amount of maintenance and cure or other damages your maritime employer may offer to cover your injury. An experienced maritime injury attorney will be able to sort through the details of your slip/trip and fall case to determine if you qualify for more favorable compensation.
Additional Resources
National Safety Council | NSC – The National Safety Council provides resources for employers and employees, such as workplace training and events to help inform communities and individuals about safety. Their resources include safety guides with information on health plans, laws and regulations, sample programs, fall protection and more.
Maritime Lawyers for Slip/Trip and Fall Accidents
If you suffered a serious injury from a maritime slip/trip and fall accident that could have been prevented by your employer, you deserve compensation. To explore all your options and pursue the compensation and justice you deserve, contact the experienced maritime injury attorneys of BoatLaw, LLP. We take cases from all over the Pacific Northwest, including the states of Washington, Oregon, California, and Alaska. Your first consultation is free, so call 1-800-262-8529 today.