Dutch Harbor/Unalaska Maritime Law

The maritime industry in Alaska, including Dutch Harbor, is regulated by both federal and state law. OSHA regulations often govern the workplaces. Understanding laws like the Jones Act, general maritime law, and applicable maritime statutes regarding vessel owner and third party liability for workers’ accidents is imperative.

To speak with an experienced maritime and admiralty attorney that serves Anchorage, Kodiak, and Unalaska, Alaska contact the knowledgeable attorneys at BOATLAW, LLP today.

Our attorneys represent individuals who have suffered injuries working while working aboard vessels in Oregon, Washington, Alaska, California, and throughout the cities in the Pacific Northwest.

Call BOATLAW, LLP at 1-800-262-8529 today to schedule a consultation.

Attorney for Maritime Claims in Unalaska, AK

Unalaska is the largest city on the Aleutian Islands in Alaska. Considered the “gateway” to the Aleutian Islands, Unalaska is located approximately 900 miles southwest of Anchorage, AK, between the Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska. Nearby False Pass connects the two bodies of water. The City is also home to Dutch Harbor, located on Amaknak Island. Dutch Harbor is famous for hosting the only North American skirmish of World War II.

Dutch Harbor is the number one commercial fishing port in the United States, the industry’s epicenter. With hundreds of commercial vessels that visit its port, it should come as no surprise that many maritime accidents occur due to negligently operated and unseaworthy ships. Maritime workers in Dutch Harbor work long hours in extreme conditions. The general maritime law recognizes this and provides legal protections for seamen – fishermen, fish processors, tugboat workers and more.

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Common Maritime Claims in Unalaska, Alaska

BOATLAW, LLP represents individuals injured in Unalaska, AK, and throughout the Aleutian Islands. Some of our most common maritime claims include the following:

  • Maritime negligence claims against third party vendors
  • Fishermen and fish processor on-the-job injuries
  • Merchant mariner injuries
  • Wrongful death and survival actions
  • Dock and shipyard accident claims against vessels
  • Ferry passenger injuries
  • Commercial diving accidents

Injuries from the incidents described may cause serious bodily injuries to workers’ backs, shoulders and knees and, consequently, substantially alter the everyday life of the inflicted.

Contact BOATLAW, LLP to learn more about how you can get the compensation you deserve if you have been injured in a maritime accident.

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Unalaska, AK Areas We Serve

Some of the neighborhoods that we serve in Unalaska and Dutch Harbor include the following:

  • Aleutians West – 99685
  • Dutch Harbor – 99692

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Dutch Harbor/Unalaska Resources

Unalaska District Court: is the trial court for all state civil and criminal claims in Alaska. Civil claims in district court may not exceed $100,000 for the amount in controversy.

Unalaska District Court
204 West Broadway Ave,
Unalaska, AK 99685
(907) 581-1379

Alaska Court System — Visit the official website for the Alaskan Court System to discover pertinent information about instituting a lawsuit. View this website to find out more information about the courts, including the types of claims that are heard by each court and the jurisdictional requirements in each court.

Alaska Department of Fish and Game — This Alaska Department helps hunters and fisherman obtain the proper permits and learn about the laws specific to the Kodiak area.

Kodiak Court System
204 Mission Road, Rm 124
Kodiak AK 99615-7312
(907) 486-1600

Anchorage Court System
825 W 4th Ave
Anchorage AK 99501-2004
(907) 264-0514

Appellate Courts
303 K Street
Anchorage AK 99501-2084
(907) 264-0612

The City of Unalaska, Alaska International Port of Dutch Harbor — Visit the City of Unalaska’s port website for information about the contact information an address of the port. The Ports Department and Harbors manage, maintain, and operate the six City-owned maritime facilities, including the United States Coast Guard (USCG), the Unalaska Marine Center Dock (UMC), the Spit Dock, the Spit Light Cargo (LCD), Robert Storrs International Small Boat Harbor (Storrs), and the Carl E. Moses Boat Harbor (CEM).

Department of Ports and Harbors

Latitude 54 Building
748 Ballyhoo Rd. Ste 201
Unalaska, AK 99685

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Attorney for Maritime Claims in Aleutian Islands, AK

For those hurt in a maritime accident at sea or offshore, contact the experienced maritime attorneys at BOATLAW, LLP as soon as possible.

Our lawyers have successfully recovered compensation on behalf individuals injured in maritime cases for over 40 years.

We proudly serve Anchorage, Kodiak, and Unalaska, Alaska areas. If you are seeking experienced maritime representation consider speaking with our maritime attorneys before you agree to any settlements.

Contact the maritime lawyers of BOATLAW, LLP by calling 1-800-262-8529 today to request a free initial consultation.

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