BoatLaw, LLP maritime lawyersThe attorneys at BoatLaw, LLP represent injured seamen and their families in claims against vessel owners, maritime employers, and maritime insurance companies throughout Alaska, Oregon, Washington, and California.

If you or a loved one has been injured in Anchorage or elsewhere in Alaska, contact the knowledgeable attorneys at BoatLaw, LLP today.

Anchorage Maritime Attorneys

Anchorage is located in the south central portion of Alaska at the end of Cook Inlet. The city of Anchorage is the most populous city in the state of Alaska, with a population of just under 300,000. Many of these residents are seamen working in the maritime industry.

Seamen are referred to by the Courts as the “wards of admiralty,” which means they are protected by many unique maritime laws and eligible to file various types of claims, including for maintenance and cure, unearned wages, unseaworthiness, wrongful death, and negligence.

Unlike shore-side workers, an injured seaman is not covered by workers compensation laws. Rather, seamen may bring a claim under the Jones Act for the negligence of an employer, a captain, or fellow crew members.

Furthermore, under the general maritime law of unseaworthiness, a vessel owner owes all seamen working on their vessel an absolute duty to assure all vessel equipment and crew are fit for their intended purposes. A seaman injured or killed due to faulty vessel equipment is entitled to compensation. The employer has a no-fault obligation to provide an injured seaman payment for medical bills and maintenance for all injuries occurring while the seaman was in the service of the vessel.

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The Jones Act

The Jones Act was passed in 1920 to help injured seamen recover from their employers. Working on or around water can be very dangerous, and maritime workers have an increased risk of on-the-job injury.

As a result, the Jones Act provides special legal remedies to help ensure that injured seamen get appropriate compensation and care following an injury. The Jones Act can be very complex, which is why it is important to speak with the attorneys at BoatLaw, LLP, who are familiar with the issues and benefits of the Jones Act and can effectively represent your claim.

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Areas We Serve in Anchorage, Alaska

Some of the communities we serve in Anchorage include, but are not limited to:

  • Airport Heights – 99508
  • Basher – 99507
  • Bayshore – 99515
  • Downtown Anchorage – 99501
  • Fairview – 99501
  • Government Hill – 99501
  • Midtown – 99503
  • Mountain View – 99508
  • North Star – 99503
  • Oceanview – 99515
  • Sand Lake – 99502
  • South Addition – 99501

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The Port of Alaska

Large portions of the local economy depend on Anchorage’s geographical location and surrounding natural resources. The Port of Alaska (formerly the Port of Anchorage) is a deep-water port that receives 85% of all goods destined for Alaska. Additionally, 74% of all waterborne freight and 95% of the refined petroleum products entering south central Alaska enter through the Port of Alaska. Port facilities include three cargo terminals and two petroleum terminals.

The port is distinguished from other types of municipal departments because it generates enough revenue to support its operations without being a burden to Anchorage taxpayers.

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Alaska Resources

The Municipality of Anchorage – Click here to see the official website of Anchorage, Alaska.

Port of Alaska – View this website to see more information about the Port of Alaska, formerly the Port of Anchorage, and its operations.

Port of Anchorage
2000 Anchorage Port Road
Anchorage, AK 99501.

Alaska Court System – In order to file a maritime claim, view this website.

Anchorage Court System
825 W 4th Ave
Anchorage AK 99501-2004
(907) 264-0514

Kodiak Court System
204 Mission Road, Rm 124
Kodiak AK 99615-7312
(907) 486-1600

Unalaska Court System
204 West Broadway Ave
Unalaska, AK 99685- 0245
(907) 581-1379

Appellate Courts
303 K Street
Anchorage AK 99501-2084
(907) 264-0612

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Contact BoatLaw, LLP Today

For those hurt in a maritime accident at sea or onshore, contact the attorneys at BoatLaw, LLP as soon as possible. We have successfully recovered compensation on behalf of our clients for over 40 years. We proudly serve Alaska, including Anchorage, Kodiak, Dutch Harbor, and Unalaska.

It is in your best interest to speak with an experienced maritime attorney before making any statements or agreeing to any settlements. Contact the maritime lawyers of BoatLaw, LLP by calling 1-800-262-8529 today to request a free initial consultation.