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Trident Seafoods, established in 1973, is the largest seafood company in the United States. Headquartered in Seattle, Washington, its operations primarily focus on harvesting wild-caught seafood from the waters of Alaska.

Trident Seafoods’ products include a variety of wild-caught fish and shellfish in Alaska. The company focuses on species like salmon, pollock, and cod. Their operations also extend to the harvesting of crab from the Bering Sea. These products are then distributed within the United States and internationally, with a presence in markets like China, Japan, Germany, and other parts of Europe.

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Trident Seafoods’ Operations

A big part of Trident Seafoods’ operation is its network of vessels and processing plants. The company manages a fleet of catcher and catcher-processor vessels for their sea-to-shore operations. These vessels are not only responsible for catching the seafood but also have the capacity to process the catch on board, enabling immediate handling and preservation of the seafood.

Also, Trident Seafoods operates processing plants across twelve coastal locations in Alaska. These plants are important for further processing the seafood, preparing it for distribution and sale. The company’s operation in Alaska is significant, given that the state is known for its coastline and marine resources.

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Vessels Owned by Trident Seafoods

Catcher/Processor Vessels: These large vessels, such as the Starbound, Island Enterprise, and Seattle Enterprise, range from 270 to 312 feet. They catch and process fish on board, producing frozen fish blocks and surimi. They primarily target Wild Alaska Pollock in the Bering Sea during late winter and summer.

Trawl Catcher Vessels: These smaller vessels, ranging from 84 to 165 feet, target Wild Alaska Pollock and Pacific cod at different times of the year. Some also serve as tenders, receiving salmon deliveries from independent fishermen or handling fisheries research charters.

Pot Boats: Vessels like the Barbara J, Billikin, and Bountiful are used for crab fishing in the Bering Sea, targeting Opilio, King crab, and Bairdi Tanner crab. They harvest Pacific cod and Sablefish using pot gear and tender salmon in Southeast Alaska and Bristol Bay during the summer.

Salmon Tenders: Vessels such as the Brittany and Royal Viking act as remote buying stations, taking salmon deliveries from small, independent fishing vessels and transporting them to processing plants. They also provide supplies like groceries and fuel to the fishing fleet.

Freighters: The Eastern Wind and Sea Trader supply raw materials to processing vessels and shore plants in remote areas of Alaska.

Processing Vessel: The Independence focuses on herring and salmon, following seasonal migrations and supporting salmon seasons.

In addition to its own fleet, Trident Seafoods collaborates with a network of nearly 1,400 independently owned and operated fishing vessels.

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Types of Maritime Workers Hired by Trident Seafoods

Trident Seafoods hires a range of employees to manage its operations. These include positions on fishing vessels, processing plants, and administrative support, each contributing significantly to Trident’s overall operations.

On its fishing vessels, Trident employs crews for catcher and catcher-processor ships. Catcher vessels are manned by smaller teams focused on harvesting seafood like Wild Alaska Pollock and Pacific cod. The larger catcher-processor vessels have crews that handle both the catching and the onboard processing of seafood. These ships often have over a hundred workers, operating in roles from fishing to advanced processing tasks. They ensure the freshness and quality of seafood, as they process the catch directly on the fishing grounds.

Trident also operates a fleet of pot boats, primarily targeting crabs and sometimes engaging in tendering operations for salmon. The tender vessels transport fresh catches from independent fishermen to processing facilities. Additionally, the company owns freighters that supply its operations in remote Alaskan areas, and floating processors like The Independence, focusing on herring and salmon.

In its onshore facilities, Trident offers a range of jobs in seafood processing, which can be physically demanding and involve repetitive tasks in cold, wet environments. These facilities, located in several parts of Alaska and the lower 48 states, also require skilled tradespeople and operations staff who ensure the smooth running of the processing operations.

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Maritime Injury Lawyers

Maritime injury lawyers assist individuals injured by or at companies such as Trident Seafoods. They are knowledgeable in specific maritime laws, including the Jones Act and the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act, designed to protect maritime workers. These attorneys advocate for the rights of the injured, ensuring they receive compensation for medical expenses, lost income, and pain resulting from their injuries.

Boatlaw, LLP begins each case with a thorough investigation of the accident to gather evidence that supports your claim. We aim to ensure that your rights are protected and you receive fair compensation for their injuries, lost wages, and other damages.

By negotiating with the company or representing the victim in court, we work tirelessly to achieve a favorable outcome for their client.

Call 1 (800) 262-8529 to secure an initial consultation.

We litigate maritime cases across the country from our offices in Washington, Oregon, and California. Do not settle for less than what your case is worth.

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